The Lion King

This year Jahzel decided to join her school’s Drama club and take part in the play, The Lion King. In just a matter of three months she learned so many different elements of Acting. From auditioning, memorizing her lines and cues to how lightening and audio also play such an important role in a production. Like with any extra curricular activity kids take part of the goal should be to have FUN, which was Jahzel's goal, but it's also a great opportunity to learn and grow in so many ways.
Jahzel, along with her cast mates, had to learn how to read a script and get in character. They learned to work together in order for their lines and moves to come to life according to the story line. Once the lines were memorized it was time to rehearse without the scripts. They also had to learn the songs. Week after week they met for after-school rehearsals to put in the work. Finally, it was time to add weekend rehearsals and incorporate make-up, costumes, and props. Although I got a sneak peak of the play at the two weekend rehearsals since I served as a parent volunteer it was so MAGICAL to sit in the audience the night of the play and watch those bits and pieces come together as one.
I'm so proud of Jahzel for stepping out of her comfort zone and trying something new! Not only did she discover a new love for yet another area of the Arts but it turns out that she has a talent for singing and acting too. Whether The Lion King is the first and only play or one of many more to come Jahzel did what she said she was going to do...have FUN.
To make the night even more special than it already was our shining star was surrounded by her biggest fans (aside from myself, Papi, and Jasaan- of course) my mom and grandmother, who flew from Puerto Rico just for Jahzel's first play, along with my grandmother's sister, my in-laws and niece who drove from another city for Jahzel's debut as Rafiki in iconic The Lion King.
Congratulations to the cast and crew of UNIV'S The Lion King 2019!