The Very Hungry Caterpillar
On Saturday, March 23, 2019 the store buybuy BABY hosted a birthday party for The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a popular children’s book written by Eric Carle. buybuy BABY invited families to celebrate The Very Hungry Caterpillar's 50 year with an in-store celebration including crafts and story time.

With just an RSVP via my local store's website I was able to reserve a spot for my toddler and our family to attend. Upon checking in we were greeted by a friendly staff. We were welcomed with a Hungry Caterpillar themed growth chart and tattoos. We were also able to enter a raffle for a chance to win a prize.
The celebration felt like a real birthday party! There were cookies and cupcakes, a photo booth with The Very Hungry Caterpillar props, and three different craft stations. Paper caterpillar- the kids made their own caterpillar with construction paper rings and accessories for the eyes and antennas. Finger painting- the kids used their fingers to paint a caterpillar on paper. Necklace making- the kids used colored pasta and felt shapes to create a caterpillar on a string. They used construction paper to draw the caterpillar's face.

In case you were wondering...The Very Hungry Caterpillar was in attendance! She took pictures with the kids, they played games, and she even read the story to the children. As a party favor, the Picture People, which is the exclusive studio of buybuy BABY offered a FREE The Very Hungry Caterpillar themed photo shoot with one 6x8 print.

buybuy BABY did a great job hosting a free in-store event by honoring and celebrating 50 years of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The books has been passed down from one generation to another and I'm sure that it's a children's book that will continue to be enjoyed by families all throughout the world for another 50+ years!